Release notes | Topicus KeyHub

Topicus KeyHub 8.2

Written by Emond Papegaaij | 8/01/2017

We are pleased to announce the 8.2 release of Topicus KeyHub. This release addresses several usability issues throughout KeyHub. It is recommended to update your KeyHub deployment.

Request new groups

TKH-512 Users can now request new groups directly from Topicus KeyHub. These requests are processed by the members of the KeyHub Administrators group. Once accepted, the requester will be the first manager of the group. To request a new group go to 'My groups', press the 'Request' button and choose 'Request new group'.

Refreshing the dashboard

TKH-465 TKH-513 TKH-570 It is now possible to refresh the dashboard by simply reloading the page. Although not directly visible to the user, a sophisticated algorithm has been added to correctly react to partial failures in provisioning. This results in a much more accurate display of the current status, especially when using folders of groups.

Small improvements

The following smaller improvements and bugfixes were made:

  • TKH-568 The user interface for vault records now clearly shows it is not possible to add a password and a file to a single record.
  • TKH-583 Internal accounts which were unused for a longer period of time could get an exception when entering an incorrect password.
  • TKH-584 The 'show temporary password' button in the main menu no longer triggers an error when you are reprompted for your main password.
  • TKH-586 Vault records with special characters in the URI no longer trigger an error.