Release notes | Topicus KeyHub

Topicus KeyHub 11.2

Written by Emond Papegaaij | 19/11/2017

Topicus KeyHub and further decentralized access management

We are pleased to announce version 11.2 of Topicus KeyHub. In this release we further decentralized access management, improved the performance of our built-in LDAP server and made a number of smaller bugfixes and improvements.
Before upgrading, be sure to read these release notes as some additional actions may be required to ensure smooth operation of Topicus KeyHub.

Administration of linked systems

TKH-534 TKH-679 As with applications in Topicus KeyHub 11.0 we now decentralized the administration of linked systems (such as an LDAP or AD server).
Linked systems have a technical administrator who is responsible for the configuration of the linked system in KeyHub. The groups on a linked system are owned by a KeyHub group who is responsible for giving other KeyHub groups access to this 'group on system'.
The upgrade to Topicus KeyHub 11.2 will automatically assign KeyHub Administrators as the technical administrator of all existing linked systems. The first KeyHub group with access to a group on a linked system will get ownership of that specific group. It is important to review this conversion after upgrading and transfer ownership and/or administration when needed.

Performance improvement for the built-in LDAP server

TKH-798 We analyzed and fixed a number of performance bottlenecks in KeyHub's built-in LDAP server to ensure the server responds relatively quickly even with a larger number of users and groups.

Small improvements

The following smaller improvements and bugfixes were made:

  • TKH-504 We are now checking the UUID returned by linked systems to prevent against doubly linking the same system.
  • TKH-505 Removing a linked system is now a request to ensure correct execution of the 4-eye principle.
  • TKH-794 KeyHub will no longer warn when you are exactly at your license limit, only when you surpass it.
  • TKH-781 We added to and improved upon our testcases for licenses.
  • TKH-790 Clicking a button on a page after a session timeout no longer results in a blank page but now redirects to the dashboard.
  • TKH-779 Viewing the audit log of an application that has been removed will no longer result in an error.
  • TKH-796 The autocomplete fields for choosing a group to be owner or administrator now show a placeholder text to invite you to start typing a group's name.
  • TKH-797 Feedback messages from the page should no longer be duplicated in popup panels.