Release notes | Topicus KeyHub

Topicus KeyHub 10.2

Written by Emond Papegaaij | 3/07/2017

We are pleased to announce the 10.2 release of Topicus KeyHub. This release brings many fixes and improvements over the previous versions. It is recommended to update your Topicus KeyHub deployment.

Just-in-time registration

TKH-681 Users are now guided through the registration wizard automatically at first sign-on. It is no longer required to manually select 'register'. Simply logon with your credentials and an account will be created for you automatically.

Small improvements

The following smaller improvements and bugfixes were made:

  • TKH-689 (CLI) Creation and modification time and user are now returned in the JSON by the CLI.
  • TKH-693 Usernames in passwords are allowed, but do not contribute to its calculated length.
  • TKH-695 Passwords are hidden by default when adding a new record to the vault.
  • TKH-697 Colored records are listed first in the vaults.
  • TKH-698 A rare race condition during startup was fixed.
  • TKH-699 Audit records of type REMOVE_GROUP_COMMENTED no longer incorrectly show the user's UUID.
  • TKH-700 (Ext) Records with exact URL matches are listed first in the browser extension.
  • TKH-701 (Ext) The number of prompts for re-authentication of the browser extension has been reduced significantly.
  • TKH-704 The button to add/request new vaults is now also displayed when the vaults are closed.
  • TKH-705 The restriction on the length of the URL for vault records has been removed.
  • TKH-706 (Ext) The group is now shown for vault records.
  • TKH-707 (Ext) A clear message is shown when no records are found.
  • TKH-708 Test coverage for OIDC-directories has been improved significantly.
  • TKH-711 Diacritics are now read in the correct charset during registration via OIDC.
  • TKH-713 Searching in vaults is no longer sensitive to diacritics.
  • TKH-714 TKH-723 Fixed recovery of personal vaults.
  • TKH-715 Fixed an error with moving records between vaults during a search.
  • TKH-716 Fixed input validation on fields throughout the application.
  • TKH-717 (Ext) The extension is now aware of multiple browser windows.
  • TKH-718 SSH-keys other than RSA are now supported.
  • TKH-720 Fixed an error when logging on with an unknown account via OIDC.
  • TKH-721 Failed attempts for passwords are now reset after a successful authentication.
  • TKH-724 @, / and \ are no longer allowed in KeyHub-usernames.